Organic Lash Lift

Organic Lash Lift

We use a total of 4 types of pre-treatment agents, intermediate treatment agents, and coating agents that contain high concentrations of damage care active ingredients such as organic keratin. By focusing on "one drop that protects your eyelashes", you can achieve beautiful and healthy eyelashes. We also take into consideration beauty and health from within, and offer options such as promoting blood flow with a lower body pressure massager and anti-aging care with a high-concentration hydrogen inhaler.

Time required: 75-90 minutes
First Time: $70 (Free Hydrogen inhalation option) ※Cannula fee is S$10 separately
Return visits in 4-6 weeks: $80
Hydrogen inhalation option: $30
Lower body pressure massager:Free

オーガニックケラチンなどのダメージケア有効成分を高濃度に配合した前処理剤、中間処理剤、コーティング剤を合計4種類使用しています。「 まつ毛を守る一滴 」にこだわることで、美しく、健康的なまつ毛に仕上げます。また、内側からの美しささ・健康にも配慮し、「下半身加圧マッサージ器」による血流促進、「高濃度水素吸入器」によるアンチエイジングケアのオプションも用意しております。

ご新規料金:70ドル(高濃度水素吸入 "無料" ) ※カニューラ代別途SGD10